
Privacy Policy

Privacy statement of Crystal Cool Transport

Crystal Cool Transport announces this privacy statement to demonstrate it's commitment to privacy. The following indicates the information about some policies of Crystal Cool Transport.

All our logs are used for administration purposes only and are not going to be shared to any other outside resources. We Know and respect every ones privacy. Email addresses, personal Information, Passwords (Credit card information) are saved to our server database and no one else has access to them except webmaster and admin of Crystal Cool Transport.

Crystal Cool Transport may contain links to other sites and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such Web sites.

Crystal Cool Transport use cookies only to organize and to be aware of what is going on in our system and to know of how our Network performances are. All Users IP address and Information are logged to our server for security & management purposes.

Crystal Cool Transport advertises other outside companies services by displaying their ads on our website. These ads may contain cookies. Cookies received with banner ads will be collected by Ad Company, and we may not have access to those information.

Crystal Cool Transport contents and files are totally clean of any kind of virus and spam.

We have the right to change this policy in any time. Doing so you will be informed of those changes. We recommend you subscribe with our mailing system in order to make it easy for us to contact you in any case. You can subscribe by sending a e-mail to sales@crystalcooltransport.com

For more questions you can always contact us at: sales@crystalcooltransport.com
